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- Tags: Communication Studies
A Guide to Technical Communications: Strategies & Applications
Business Communication for Success
Collaborative Production in the Creative Industries
"In recent years research into creative labour and cultural work has usually addressed the politics of production in these fields, but the sociotechnical and aesthetic dimensions of collaborative creative work have been somewhat overlooked. This…
Tags: Business and Management, Communication Studies, Cultural studies Society and social sciences, Film, Finance, Industry and industrial studies, information and communication industries Reference, information and interdisciplinary subjects, Interdisciplinary studies, Media, Media studies Society and social sciences, Society and culture: general, Society and social sciences, sociology, Sociology and anthropology, Sociology: work and labour The arts, TV and radio Economics
Communication in the Real World: An Introduction to Communication Studies
Exploring Public Speaking: 2nd Revision
In fifteen chapters the authors have attempted to address all the major…
Information Strategies for Communicators
Making Publics, Making Places
Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Understanding Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication
Tags: Advertising and Public Relations, Books, Communication Studies, Economics of Mass Media, Ethics of Mass Media, Magazines, Mass Communication, Media and Culture, Media and Government, Media Effects, Movies, Music, Newspapers, Radio, Television, The Future of Mass Media, The Internet and Social Media